Childhood: A time one more time…
Man is such a complex being on this planet earth. He might have conquered great things. He has discovered many unseen mysteries. Explored beyond the solar system. But one thing he cannot do is going back into time... But still... How awesome it would be if we get a chance to live back our childhood life again... The best phase of man in his entire life is his childhood life...A life of to cherish. "When we are old and failing, it's the memories of childhood which can be summoned most clearly" One interesting fact about us is than, when we were small we think adulthood is best....but now I think childhood was best . Really childhood is the life even I want to live again. Those were the days where we didn't knew about living a fake lifestyle. All we knew at that time was innocence. Of course we might have done some mischievous things. But that also in an innocent way. Life was so simple at that time. No tension about life, career, etc. Just ea...