Are Humans losing "HUMANITY"?
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From the very beginning of this world God has put humans to be in charge of almost everything on this planet earth. We as a human are the most superior creature and has gained intellectual power. With this intellectual power humans have made many achievements in various fields.
But above all this we have one major quality...and that is "HUMANITY".
Humanity is not just a gift to humans but a responsibility to fulfil.
It is very much impossible to imagine humans with this virtue. And how the world would be...
But YES, we have got this free of cost....
Although it's free....but still we have to nurture it and preserve it and most improtant... to use it.
From humanity, we got the ability to love, kindness and social intelligence.
Dalia Lama
Without humanity as a virtue I think that humans would be not humans....
It is the humanity which makes us different from other animals on this planet earth.
And if, we don't have this humanity than, "How we can differentiate ourselves from other living creatures?"
"What if entire human race loses its humanity?"
That would surely create a portal of destruction of the entire human race.
There would be no understanding among each other, no compassion , no sympathy.
Which will end up in continuous wars and the world would end one day...
There are many philosophies which have given greater importance to humanity as a virtue.
As we are approaching towards AI based technology. We are forgetting our humanity technology.
We have are losing our social intelligence and are running behind the material education.
Yes, education is important, but valuing others is more important.
What is the use of this education if we don't have humanity....
Will it be worthy???
We all use our techy gadgets daily... But, What about Humanity?. It is not given to us to keep in the showcase.
Remember showing sympathy on social media but putting a status is not at all humanity. We are doing this simply because others are doing so.
Remember the world needs love, compassion, kindness. With money you can buy anything.... but not humanity.
We are not given humanity only to show it to other humans. It is also given us to show it to animals also.
Animals are created by God for us. They were created by God and God has given us authority over them. That doesn't mean that we have got the authority to treat them harshly...No not at all...
At last, I want to tell you one thing that we are amazingly created by God and God has given us the choice to choose. So, let us choose humanity and make our lives better.
The world will become only beautiful only when we keep our humanity alive and use it for betterment of other lives around us.
Remember, it's not too late... We still have a chance to make this world a better place...
May God bless you....
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