What we learned from this LOCKDOWN ?

learning from lockdown

 Hello readers....

I hope you all are safe in our homes...

Well this blog post speaks about the lesson What I learned during lockdown period ? and how it changed my life...

At the end of this post you will realise the essence of simple and balanced lifestyle.

So let's get started...

1) Never be proud of your achievements...

 This lockdown has certainly impacted many lives around the globe and their way of living. Many of us might be not able to a normal life as we used to live before.

During this lockdown period mankind has experienced many things for the first time and maybe we don't even know how to react to it.

Many of us have not taken this lockdown in a serious note and this lead to a serious increase in the spread of this Covid-19 virus. 

No matter how many achievements man has achieved in the technological field or in the field of medical science.  But still today, as a human we are helpless before this small virus. Today, many of us are sitting in our homes in order to prevent this virus spread. And this is a great step in order to prevent the spread of this virus.

But still many of them are still not taking this seriously. And I think as a human we have responsibity towards the people around us and our country.

2) Spending quality time with family...

Another great thing I learnt from this lockdown is the importance of our family. No matter how much we get socialize with the world. But at the end, your family is the one who will be with you during the times of difficulties. And I believe now many of us are spending quality time with their family during this lockdown period. 

But there are some superheroes out there, who have sacrificed this quality time in order to serve our nation and providing their contribution in this war against the virus. I really salute to these people who are always there for us in this time of difficulties. May God be with these people and protect them.

3) Importance of saving...

Because of this lockdown many of us have adapted "Work from Home” lifestyle. And many of them find it more convenient compare to going to office for doing the same work.

But still not all of them can adopt this work style. Still, there are many of the working population who have to do physical work and now they are sitting at their homes without any work and are not getting paid also... This might make them worry about their daily expenses.

This has proven us the importance of savings for this type of situation. And so you should have the habit to save and avoid unnecessary expenses.

4) Importance of cleanliness...

Next we also learned the importance of cleanliness and maintaining proper hygiene. And many of us started to practice this seriously, which is a good thing. And I hope people will keep following this best practice in future too.

5) Time for yourself...

Last but not the least many of them have started to give some time for themselves. It may be in the form of nurturing their hobbies or may be learning a new skill set or maybe fulfilling some items of their bucket list which was not possible during their busy hectic lifestyle.

And now, with all this teachings I realised the importance of living a minimalist lifestyle and that will help us to eliminate all the unnecessary things we possess and hardly use it.
Yes….it's hard to adopt this kind lifestyle but we can definitely start it on a small scale.can't we?

May God bless you and keep you safe...   



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